
Early Childhood (Ages 2-5)

At Trinity School, our dedicated and compassionate Early Childhood teachers recognize that children aged two through five each have unique ways of exploring and understanding their world. We create nurturing environments designed to spark curiosity and foster a love for learning. By posing open-ended, developmentally appropriate questions, we encourage our young learners to wonder, observe, think critically, test their ideas, and deepen their knowledge.

In our thoughtfully designed spaces, purposeful play supports the development of a strong sense of self, while inquiry-based learning cultivates a community of engaged and enthusiastic students. Our educational approach views each child as a strong, competent, and capable individual, empowering them to advocate for themselves and others, guiding our pedagogy every step of the way.

Trinity School's Early Childhood Program uses The Creative Curriculum, a whole-child, comprehensive curriculum, renowned for its effective blend of play and intentional teaching. This approach addresses various learning styles and developmental needs, emphasizing critical thinking, creativity, and problem-solving through active exploration and hands-on activities. The Creative Curriculum's adaptable framework supports both individualized and group learning, focuses on holistic child development and brings joy and wonder to teaching and learning

List of 6 items.

  • Language and Literacy

    Language and Literacy is an integral part of our program. Students explore this dimension of learning by considering the following: 
    • What makes me a reader?
    • How do I form my letters?
    • What do these letters mean? How do they help me communicate my ideas?
    • How can I be a writer?
    • How do I express my ideas for others to experience?
    • How can I engage in the reading and writing experience with a friend?
    • How can I learn from literacy in the world around me?
  • Mathematics

    Mathematics is part of our everyday world. In our Early Childhood Program, our students are given the lens to explore this reality by analyzing and actively exploring:
    • What do numbers mean?
    • What can I do with numbers?
    • How do numbers help us measure?
    • What is less? More?
    • How many?
    • How long? Short?
    • How can we create different structures?
    • How do I define the figures and forms that are around us?
  • Science

    Children are innately curious. That curiosity is nurtured through a tangible, open-ended process by determining the following:
    • How does this work?
    • What can I do to change this?
    • Why is this happening?
    • How can I expand on the ideas of my friends?
    • How do scientists make sense of things in a world they cannot see?
    • What can be done differently?
  • Service Learning

    We are the citizens of a large world. We explore our impacts on society by discussing the following:
    • How can I make a difference?
    • How do I make the distinction between need versus work?
  • Social Studies

    Life is about the relationships we establish with our varying communities. We create these connections by questioning:
    • Who am I?
    • What are my roles and responsibilities?
    • What makes me similar and different from the people in my life?
    • What is a family?
  • Social-Emotional Learning

    Our program nurtures the development of social and emotional growth within our students. During their time with us, students will discover:
    • How do I develop kindness and compassion?
    • How can I be a good friend, helper, and leader?
    • What do I need to do to thrive in a group and as an individual?
    • Why do I need to treat others with respect?
    • How do I take care of my own emotions?
    • What are the ways that I can express myself?

Preschool (Ages 2 - Young 3s)

Building the Foundation for Social and Emotional Growth
Preschool Program for Ages 2 - Young 3s:
Building the Foundation for Social and Emotional Growth
Trinity School’s  Preschool Program for ages 2 to young 3s  focuses on laying the foundation for essential social and emotional development within a thoughtfully designed learning environment. Our program is dedicated to nurturing growth through active exploration and tactile experiences that cater specifically to our youngest learners.

Our classroom is designed to engage toddlers with hands-on activities and sensory experiences, recognizing that young children learn best by interacting with their surroundings. We provide an environment rich in textures, colors, and shapes, featuring sensory bins, interactive toys, and safe climbing structures. This environment encourages curiosity, discovery, and active participation, making learning both enjoyable and effective.

At this stage of development for young children, socialization skills are emerging as they begin to understand and interact with their peers. We facilitate group activities and guided play that encourage wonder, curiosity, exploration and cooperative interactions. These experiences help toddlers build the foundation for forming friendships and developing empathy. As two-year-olds are eager to assert their independence, our program supports this by offering activities that promote self-help skills that build their confidence and encourage a “can do” mindset . We create opportunities for children to make choices and express their preferences, intentionally helping them develop a sense of autonomy.

Language development is a significant focus during this period. Our rich language environment, filled with songs, stories, and conversational interactions, supports toddlers as they enhance their vocabulary and communication skills. Educators model language use and encourage verbal expression to promote language growth.

Physical development is also crucial for toddlers. We incorporate activities that promote both gross and fine motor skills, such as crawling, walking, climbing, and handling small objects. These activities help improve coordination, balance, and dexterity, which are vital for their overall growth.

We also recognize the importance of collaborative support with families, especially in areas like potty training. Our educators work closely with parents to establish consistent potty training routines and provide guidance and encouragement throughout the process. Practical tips and support help make this transition smoother for both children and families.

Consistency in daily routines is key to helping toddlers feel secure and confident. Our program emphasizes regular routines for mealtime, naptime, and playtime, and we work with families to ensure that routines at home and school are aligned. This consistency creates a stable environment that supports emotional and developmental growth.

Positive reinforcement and validation are integral to our approach. We celebrate each child’s achievements, regardless of their size, and provide ample encouragement to build self-esteem and motivation. Our goal is to offer a supportive atmosphere where every child feels valued and capable.

Our preschool program for ages 2 to young 3s is meticulously designed to support holistic development. By concentrating on active exploration, socialization, independence, language, and physical skills, we provide a comprehensive foundation for future growth. Our collaborative approach with families ensures that each child receives personalized support to thrive.

Preschool (Ages 3 - 4)

A Time for Exploration
Preschool Program for Ages 3 - 4
A Time for Exploration
Trinity School’s Preschool Program for ages 3 to 4 offers a vibrant and supportive environment tailored to the developmental needs of young children as they begin to explore and understand the world around them. At this stage, children develop unique perspectives and are eager to engage in a variety of learning experiences. Our program is specifically designed to invite curiosity, support early literacy and numeracy, and promote overall growth through engaging and educational activities.

Our experienced teachers understand that children aged three and four are at a pivotal stage of cognitive and social development. We provide a learning environment that stimulates observation, questioning, and safe exploration. For instance, a piece of string might lead to discussions about lines and shapes, while a wheel could spark curiosity about why certain shapes roll and others do not. These activities are designed to inspire children to ask questions and seek answers, laying the groundwork for critical thinking.

Language literacy is a fundamental component of our preschool program. We provide a language-rich environment that includes storytelling, interactive read-alouds, and vocabulary-building activities. Our teachers engage children in conversations about their play, artwork, and daily experiences to enhance their verbal expression and comprehension skills. By integrating songs, rhymes, and thematic discussions, we support early reading and writing skills, helping children develop a strong foundation for future literacy.

Numeracy development is also a key focus in our program. We introduce basic mathematical concepts through hands-on activities that involve counting, sorting, and recognizing patterns. For example, children might explore concepts of size and quantity with blocks or experiment with simple measurement activities. These experiences help children develop a strong understanding of numbers and shapes, setting the stage for more advanced mathematical thinking.

Children in this age group begin to expand their social interactions beyond the home, engaging with peers and teachers in a structured learning environment. Our program emphasizes social and emotional development by encouraging children to share, collaborate, and solve problems together. Activities are designed to foster cooperation and empathy, helping children build strong interpersonal skills and a sense of community.

Handling different materials and discussing their properties promote problem-setting and problem-solving. For instance, using everyday objects to explore physical concepts or solve simple challenges encourages creative thinking and scientific inquiry.

Our students also participate in weekly Chapel services led by a chaplain from Trinity Church. These services introduce children to spiritual and universal values such as kindness, respect, and community. This aspect of our program prioritizes ethical learning, enriching the children’s understanding of the world and their place within it.

At Trinity School, we assess student development through careful observation and documentation. Teachers engage in regular conversations with students about their play, artwork, and feelings, which helps validate their thinking and competencies. This ongoing assessment provides insights into each child’s growth and allows us to tailor our approach to meet their individual needs effectively.

Our Preschool Program for ages 3 to 4 is thoughtfully designed to support early literacy and numeracy while fostering curiosity and social-emotional development. By providing a rich environment for exploration and learning, we ensure that each child receives the personalized support needed for a successful and joyful educational experience. 

Pre-Kindergarten & Transitional Kindergarten (Ages 4-5)

A Time for Building Confidence and Self-Assurance
Pre-Kindergarten & Transitional Kindergarten Program (Ages 4-5)
Building Confidence, Curiosity, and Critical Thinking
Trinity School’s Pre-Kindergarten and Transitional Kindergarten Program for children ages 4 to 5 is designed to build confidence, self-assurance, and prepare children for a smooth transition into Kindergarten. Our Pre-Kindergarten and Transitional Kindergarten program provides a nurturing environment for children who are at different developmental stages. For those who will enter Kindergarten on time, this program offers an opportunity to strengthen specific social, cognitive, or fine motor skills. For children with late-fall birthdays or those who may benefit from an additional year of growth, our Transitional Kindergarten offers a supportive bridge to elementary school.

Trinity’s Transitional Kindergarten extends the philosophy and approach of our Preschool program, providing children who will turn four by September 1 with the time, space, and expert guidance needed to mature and integrate essential learning skills. This program ensures that every child is academically prepared and emotionally confident as they begin their elementary education.

In our Pre-K and Transitional Kindergarten classrooms, play is a vital part of learning. Children engage in purposeful play that fosters critical thinking, language literacy, and problem-solving skills. Within a stimulating environment, students explore various learning areas and materials, making choices about their activities and interactions. Teachers encourage children to articulate their strategies, reflect on their work, and develop self-awareness and independence.

Our approach integrates intentional relationships and language development, helping students plan their activities, communicate their ideas, and reflect on their experiences. This reflective practice supports the development of critical thinking and prepares children for formal reading and writing instruction. Students represent their ideas through conversation, art, writing, and inventive play, with teachers documenting and valuing their graphic expressions. This process enhances children’s ability to convey their thoughts and prepares them for more structured literacy tasks.

Our program is designed to spark wonder and curiosity in every child. By encouraging exploration and discovery, we nurture a mindset for learning that values questions, experimentation, and creative problem-solving. Children are given opportunities to explore their interests, develop their social skills, and build emotional maturity through guided activities and peer interactions.

Transitional Kindergarten students also participate in weekly Chapel services led by a chaplain from Trinity Church. These services introduce children to spiritual and universal values, supporting their emotional and social development and helping them integrate these values into their daily interactions.

Trinity School’s Pre-Kindergarten and Transitional Kindergarten Program is thoughtfully designed to support children as they build confidence, develop critical thinking skills, and prepare for the transition to elementary school. By focusing on language literacy, problem-solving, and emotional maturity, we ensure that each child receives the personalized support they need to thrive. Our experienced educators are dedicated to creating a nurturing environment where every child can explore, grow, and succeed.