Who We Are

Episcopal Identity and Chapel

Think, Believe, Act

Inclusivity and freedom of thought define Trinity School in the Episcopal tradition.

Think - You are loved.
Believe - Your heart, your family, traditions.
Act - With integrity and compassion. Help people and the world.

Trinity closely follows our Episcopal Identity, which frames our work as an Episcopal school. While less than 15% of Trinity families identify as Episcopalian, the values in our Episcopal Identity are universal and explicit at the school.

“The Episcopal tradition on which Trinity is built places a high value on academic excellence, intellectual curiosity, and encouraging students to ask questions about the world around them. Trinity School is a community of learners immersed in open inquiry, social responsibility, a sense of connectedness to something greater than ourselves, and an understanding of how we might contribute to the good of the world through the way we live.”

Early Childhood Program Chapel

A Chaplain from Trinity Church gathers the children weekly for a song and then a story and then guides a conversation based on it, encouraging children's wondering and reflections. Children offer their prayers or thoughts in this interactive time. Parents are always welcome to attend and sit behind the classes.

Elementary School Chapel

All students gather in the Chapel four times a week to start or end their school day. In our community Chapel, your child hears stories that connect to the themes taken from Galatians 5:22-23, the fruits of the Holy Spirit, including love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, and gentleness. They also learn about and celebrate the values and traditions of faiths represented by families in the School. Examples of these values and traditions include Diwali, Lunar New Year, Nowruz, and Dia De Los Muertos. Students contribute to conversations about these stories to gain a vocabulary and a space for embracing their spiritual selves. Songs, prayers, birthday celebrations, skits, and student announcements lift a student’s voice within the caring community of children and adults. Wednesday skits feature Grades 3 - 5 as they enact a dramatic rendition of one of the week’s Chapel themes. Families are always welcome to sit behind the classes at every Chapel and especially to come for a student’s birthday celebration.

Here is What is Included in Chapel

  • Opening blessing and hymn
  • Homily with conversation
  • Student prayers
  • Birthday Celebrations
  • Announcements
  • Closing Blessing
Chapel sessions may also feature presentations on Service Learning Projects carried out by students.