Who We Are

Mission and Belief Statements

Mission Statement

Trinity School cultivates academic excellence in an environment where each child is known, valued and has their unique voice. The legacy of a Trinity education is a curious mind and a discerning heart.

Belief Statements

  1. When we engage and challenge students academically, we kindle their innate curiosity and lay the groundwork for a lifetime of inquiry. Trinity students take part in problem-solving and exploration and have the tools to gain confidence through supportive academic risk-taking.
  2. We value a culture of self-awareness, empathy, and connection. Trinity students take responsibility, practice kindness, and seek out opportunities to help others.
  3. We believe that a strong sense of self leads to self-advocacy and advocacy for others. Trinity students share their voices and talents to boldly meet challenges they and others face.
  4. We embrace a spirit of encouraging successes and outcomes by collaborating and honoring the contributions of everyone. Trinity students share ideas, listen, and strive to find solutions for the common good.
  5. We believe that understanding emerges when a variety of voices are heard, and when every person feels welcome, supported, and safe. Trinity students celebrate diversity and seek to learn from a rich representation of experiences and points of view.
  6. Rooted in our Episcopal heritage, we embrace the diversity of thought and faith held by our community of learners. Trinity students grow through their exposure to and understanding of world religions and traditions and learn that faith manifests in many ways.