Read Across America Day at Trinity School

Matt Allio
Today at Trinity is Read Across America Day.  The actual Read Across America Day is tomorrow and the National Education Association (NED) has been leading this initiative since 1998.
One thing that remains constant at Trinity, something I see all the time no matter the time of year, is kids reading.  Here are a few quote from kids as they entered school today and I asked them what they enjoy about reading:

“I like to know what’s going to happen next and it’s exciting.”  Sahana in Grade 1

“Reading helps my brain learn.”  Simone in Kindergarten

“I’m reading Wings of Fire and it’s about dragons and I like it.”  Orion in Grade 4

“Reading tells me that everyone has their own story.”  Ziyung in Grade 3

“Reading brings me to new worlds.”  Eddie in Grade 5

“The main characters always have good stories to tell.”  Margo in Grade 1

“Reading is entertaining to me and I will read unless my mom tells me to go to bed.”  Michael in Grade 2

Another constant at Trinity, and it’s always available to children and families on both campuses, is our Library at Trinity.  Curated and always updated with terrific books by our intrepid Librarian, Heather Maxwell, the Library at Trinity is always a delightful place to visit.

I was able to pop into a few classrooms today where parents were reading aloud to students. This is such a terrific moment to observe the partnership between the school and home and to see the pride in the child whose parents are reading.  Thank you to all the parents who participated today.

For me, the book I’m currently reading is Prisoners of Geography.  It’s a really good book where the author speaks to how geography impacts geopolitics.  

I hope everyone has a good weekend - and finds time to enjoy a good book.