Reading: Facilitating Growth and Confidence
In Grade 1, students develop their reading skills through a balanced approach that integrates a strong phonics and phonemic awareness curriculum, laying a solid foundation in literacy. This systematic approach equips students with the ability to decode words, build word recognition, and develop fluency and comprehension.
Our comprehensive reading curriculum includes daily direct lessons, individual teacher-student conferences, dedicated reading time, and reflective activities. This blend of instruction reinforces essential skills, promotes good reading habits, and fosters a genuine love for reading.
As students engage in various reading units, they explore critical questions such as:
How do phonics skills contribute to compelling reading?
What strategies help us decode and understand new words?
Why is it important to share and discuss our reading experiences?
What tools and resources can enrich our reading journey?
How can technology support spelling, phonics, and literacy development?
What makes a book engaging, and how do we choose "just right" books?
What is a reading life, and how do we develop it?
Students build a strong literacy foundation through these explorations and develop a lifelong passion for reading.
Writing: Strengthening our Foundations
In Grade 1, we focus on empowering students to become confident authors of their own stories. Our writing program is designed to build a strong foundation for effective communication and creative expression. Students take ownership of their work and develop essential writing skills through journaling, handwriting practice, and maintaining individual writing portfolios.
Instruction is reinforced through direct lessons, personalized teacher-student conferences, and regular opportunities for students to share their writing. This approach helps students refine their skills, strengthen their strategies, and establish good writing habits.
As they engage in diverse writing units, students explore essential questions, such as:
How can we connect our handwriting practice to everyday writing tasks?
Why is it crucial to express our thoughts and ideas through writing?
Who is our audience, and how does that shape our writing style?
What resources and tools can enrich our writing experience?
How can graphic organizers help us structure our ideas?
What makes writing engaging and clear?
Students engage in authentic writing activities that provide real-world context and relevance. These experiences allow them to understand the practical applications of their writing, connect with varied audiences, and reflect on their growth as independent authors.
Mathematics: Investigating the World of Numbers
In Grade 1, students embark on a math journey of discovery through a balanced approach of whole-class instruction and small-group activities. This differentiated learning ensures personalized experiences, supporting each child's unique mathematical growth. In small groups, students receive targeted instruction to meet individual needs, while whole-class lessons encourage collaboration and shared problem-solving strategies.
Through hands-on activities and interactive learning, children explore key concepts such as calendar skills, estimation, money, place value up to 100, addition and subtraction, telling time, volume, mass, and area. These concepts are brought to life, allowing students to apply math in real-world contexts.
Throughout their learning, Grade 1 students explore essential questions such as:
How does creating our math problems enhance our thinking and problem-solving skills?
Why is math an essential part of our daily lives?
Who helps us develop a strong foundation in math?
How can we support each other and actively participate in our learning?
This differentiated and collaborative approach helps students build a solid understanding of numeracy, see the relevance of math in their everyday lives, and prepare them to solve real-world problems and make informed decisions.
Social Studies: Exploring Community, Traditions, and Global Connections
In Grade 1, students embark on an exciting journey of exploration, learning about their role within a larger, interconnected community. Through inquiry-driven learning, they ask meaningful questions, think critically, and take ownership of their learning. They explore diverse perspectives and discover ways they can positively impact the world around them.
Throughout the year, students engage in dynamic projects like celebrating cultural diversity during our Festival of Lights, participating in a school-wide litter initiative, exploring fundamental concepts of maps, globes, and graphs, and investigating family traditions. By learning how their traditions and those of their classmates contribute to the richness of our diverse community, students strengthen connections with their peers and develop a deeper appreciation for the world’s vibrant diversity. These experiences ignite curiosity and foster a sense of responsibility, community, and global awareness.
Guided by essential questions such as:
Why are guidelines important in society and the classroom?
How do map skills help us navigate the world around us?
What common themes connect celebrations across cultures?
How can we collaborate to make a difference in our community?
Students build critical content knowledge while nurturing their voice, agency, and curiosity. This inquiry-based approach helps them grow as thoughtful, active participants, ready to contribute meaningfully to their communities and beyond.
Social and Emotional Learning: Building Emotional Awareness and Social Responsibility
At Trinity, we emphasize both emotional growth and academic learning. In Grade 1, our Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) curriculum helps students continue to recognize and manage their emotions while fostering social responsibility.
Our SEL approach is woven into each subject, guided by the Institute for Social Emotional Learning (IFSEL) principles. Students build emotional resilience, self-awareness, and a sense of belonging, empowering them to understand their role in the classroom and recognize the feelings of others.
Through morning meetings, read-aloud, and self-regulation tools, we create a supportive environment where students feel valued. They are encouraged to ask critical questions like:
How can I help a friend who is upset?
Why am I important to our classroom community?
Who can I turn to for support?
What tools can help me succeed?
This holistic approach helps Grade 1 students navigate their emotional landscape and build meaningful connections with themselves and others. It nurtures emotionally intelligent, socially responsible students who feel confident and connected as they grow.