Trinity's Grade 3 Students Shine in Historical Figure Monologues

Matt Allio
Yesterday’s Grade 3 monologues in the Great Hall, with a total audience of Kindergarten to Grade 5 students and parents, was another critical step in developing our Drama Program at Trinity.
Similar to Grade 4 monologues a few weeks ago, the Grade 3 students studied and inherited the role of different historical figures - Mahatmas Gandhi, John F. Kennedy, Benazir Bhutto, Stephen Hawking, Nelson Mandela, Abraham Lincoln, Gloria Steinem, among others, and performed monologues from their character studies.  Our students continue to refine their dramatic voice, along with an essential range of skills (examples: stage presence, confidence, intonation, cadence), which will only serve them well now and in future years—ovations to the Grade 3 students and Music and Drama Teacher, Yonas Kameda.