Exciting Beginnings and New Connections Await at Trinity

Kate Benson
Dear Trinity Families,

I just arrived last night, and thanks to jetlag, I’m up early, scanning my apartment and making a list of essential items to find today.
You never realize how important a good bath mat is until you’re suddenly without one! That aside, it’s wonderful to be back home in the Bay Area, and I eagerly anticipate my official return to Trinity on Monday, July 1.

Over the past year, I’ve been fortunate to have monthly transition meetings with Matt and periodic check-ins with several admin team members. The onsite visit in November was a fantastic opportunity to meet with the faculty and start getting to know the students and all of you. I’m excited to continue these conversations!

While the transition has been incredibly productive, and I feel well-prepared to assume this new role, I know there will be a steep learning curve. I look forward to immersing myself in the work and connecting with colleagues and community members during the summer. Please feel free to stop by and introduce yourself. I’d love to meet you and hear about your family’s experience at Trinity. You can reach me at kbenson@trinity-mp.org.

I’m excited to get to school on Monday and dive right in! However, until then, I’ll continue to unpack and settle into my new apartment—and search for that perfect bath mat. Have a wonderful summer, and I look forward to connecting and reconnecting with everyone very soon.

Warm regards,

Kate Benson
Head of School